Wednesday 2 October 2013

Astronomy Definitions

 ·         Oblate Spheroid- A sphere that is slightly flat on both poles due to the earth’s rotation. Spinning on its north-south axis.

·         Poles- they are two opposite points on a planet’s surface through which the planet’s axis passes.

Solar system- A system consisting of a group of planets or other bodies that orbit a star.
Solar System
Horizon- the horizon is a point of apparent intersection between the land/sea and the sky as seen by the observer.
Latitude- the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth’s equator usually expressed in degrees.

Equinox-The date or time when the sun is directly above the equator, this is when both day and night are equal length.

Equator-Is an imaginary line on a planet that is equal distance from both poles. It divides the planet into the northern and southern hemisphere.

 The Ecliptic- Is the plane on which the earth orbits the sun. The earth's polar axis is tilted by 66 and a half degrees to reach this plane.

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